Saturday, December 4, 2010

An Ancient Fortress on the Island

An Ancient Fortress on the Island

ancient Russian fortress on the island 1
Deep inside Siberia there is a lake, one of thousands others. And in the middle of this lake there is a small island. And on this island people have found an ancient fortress, which is dated more than 1500 years old. Excavations are needed in order to reveal all its view for visitors, but even now from the air its a nice site in different times of the year. First part of photos were made during short Siberian summer:
ancient Russian fortress on the island 2 ancient Russian fortress on the island 3
ancient Russian fortress on the island 4
ancient Russian fortress on the island 5
ancient Russian fortress on the island 6
ancient Russian fortress on the island 7
ancient Russian fortress on the island 8
ancient Russian fortress on the island 9
And here are the photos from the winter:
ancient Russian fortress on the island 10
ancient Russian fortress on the island 11
ancient Russian fortress on the island 12
ancient Russian fortress on the island 13
ancient Russian fortress on the island 14
And these photos were made in April. In April in Siberia there is still a lot of snow, but ice on some lakes already melted.
ancient Russian fortress on the island 15
ancient Russian fortress on the island 16
ancient Russian fortress on the island 17
ancient Russian fortress on the island 18
ancient Russian fortress on the island 19
ancient Russian fortress on the island 20
ancient Russian fortress on the island 21
ancient Russian fortress on the island 22

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